Wednesday 20 September 2017


Hi there, I don't know if people still look this blog up or read it (thank you if you do), but I have another blog on Weebly that's similar to this blog but I use it way more and you'll get to read recent life updates and up to date poetry. The blog is called Poetic Rambling and Life Talks and it's not too shabby, I've got a photography section in it where I'm going to be posting pictures of my pets (two rats and two dwarf hamsters). Just click on the link above and it'll take you right over to it.
Please go check it out! :)
Peace. xox

Sunday 15 February 2015

Sleepy emptiness.

If you feel empty, he says,
his voice like molten lava,
if you feel empty then, child,
why are you crying so?

Why do your fists clench in unison
leaving half-moon indents on your scratched and aching palms?
Why does your heart flutter
when you read the replies acting like an elephant dominating the room?
You can’t feel empty, he says,
because that, my dear child, that is not emptiness.

Why then do you flush red
when people utter kind loving words to you?
Why do you sit alone on your bed
wearing a fake smile that begs for forgiveness when you have not sinned?
What is emptiness, my child,
if not a space full of holes?

Why does your breathing surge
when people say hello?
Why do you rise with happiness and flustered grins
only to collapse in doubt and misery not moments later?
That cannot be emptiness child,
I will not allow it to be.

You don’t feel empty, he says,
as we both watch my hand bounce on my knee,
you feel too much and it exhausts you, the trembles
halt and freeze,
you need more sleep dear child, more food, more warmth, and more smiles upon your rosy cheeks,
come now dear child, lay your weary head down upon this pillow made of your dreams,

and go child, go to sleep. 

Friday 30 January 2015

Just one last final thing.

All it takes sometimes is one thought
a scathing idea that passes quickly but makes your heart palpitate painfully
the kind of thought that makes you want to curl up in a ball and just breathe
but you can’t breathe
you can’t breathe because that one thought won’t leave you be,
you’re stuck in an endless twirl of one idea
forever experiencing the buzz of heartache -
in a way that you’ve never quite experienced before
it leaves you lightheaded as it continues to sing in your ear;

just one thing
then I’ll leave you be.
Just one thing
and I won’t be tarnishing your hands.
One last thing
and you won’t have to hear my nervous laugh
or see my closed off eyes,
just one last thing
and then I’ll let the tide consume me.

This is how you’ll find me
my hand reaching yet at the same time slowly withdrawing
I’ll close my eyes
and we’ll be older
and the sun will be shining
and that thought will have been swept off in the crash of the waves that allow me to breathe,
our ashen faces smiling at one another
the black holes under our eyes beginning to mend themselves
I wish I could look that far ahead
and fully believe in the possibility of it
but there’s just one thing
just one final thought
just one last thing
and I’ll be out of your hair forever.

Thursday 15 January 2015


I dreamed about you a few times
I saw your face in perfect quality,
watching from my lonely window in solitary
I can see you out of the corner of my eye
but some part of me is ready to get up and leave.

I dreamed about you a few times
I drowned you in the sea
we drowned each other
I dreamed I died in water
but I woke up on fire.

I dreamed about you one last time
We were laughing as we walked into the fire
I dreamed you left me in the flames
I dreamed you drank the ocean
And left me to burn in the volatile flames of deceit.

I dreamed about myself last night
I walked through those flames
I stepped through the walls they surrounded me with
and I came out with burns and bruises and a heart of sticks and stones
but I came out alive,
I came out with the will to survive. 

Sunday 11 January 2015


I want to scream until my lungs give out
I want to never talk again
I’d rather sit in pure untainted silence
Than have another one of these conversations in my head.

If I look up there is only a starry sky
And sometimes,
Sometimes there are no stars
Only a darkness that stretches as far eternity but is always out of my reach.

I’ve never been good at goodbyes
But I find I’m getting better
With each person I say it to
I feel a little bit freer to scream into the terrifying eternal night.

I also find that with every hour that I breathe in through my greedy lungs
I find myself coming back to life
Slowly at first, slowly then all at once,
I have all the friends I’ll ever need stop saying I need a man to complete me.

I’m not going to put myself out in the open anymore
Funnily enough it’s one of the worst things I could ever do
So I’m going to suck in a deep breath and hold it in my lungs
And I’m going scream into the darkness;
And I'm going to wait for it to scream back. 

Sunday 4 January 2015

Basically Screw You

*contains explicit language [??? as a warning ???]

I want to look at you and not feel anything
I want to hear your name and not remember everything
I want to look at you like you’re a stranger to me
like you meant nothing to me
but my head is so murky
your words are like the poison that I’m inhaling
dragging in fumes that spit like snakes at me
your words are similar in their form
you blame me
you blame them
you blame everyone except the one in the mirror
except the face that you see each morning
you don’t blame that face
you don’t blame yourself
not like me
not like how I live each day;
consumed to the brim with guilt like it’s the blood that drains my veins,
I don’t think you understand how it’s like to live like that.
I want to scream in your face
I want to burn every single trace of you from every single memory I have
cause I’m fucked up yes
but the worlds fucked up too
and you added to that
with your sweet words
your bag of devilish things
you pushed me into that corner of that cliff
the cliff that I was terrified of
the cliff that made me scared of heights,
you pushed me off and expected me to stay in the air
you expected me to stay floating when I hit the icy water
you expected me to forgive you
and maybe I should
maybe I should smile sweetly and sit down with that letter
and not snatch a lighter from someone
and not let it burn
not let the crinkled words mean a thing,
but they do
they cut deep like a dentists saw
they imprint themselves onto my skin like tattoos for all to see.
I hate them
I despise the words you wrote
the lies
the blames that make no sense
I’d love to tell you to grow a backbone
but it’s clear you can’t
it’s clear to me that you’ll forever remain the spineless bastard you’ve always been
there’s no changing that now
but I hope you’re happy
I hope you’re proud
I hope you know what mess you’ve caused
and one day I hope you actually care
and I hope you know that it’s too late now
so fuck you
I can’t spend forever feeling guilty for something I had no control over
I was a child
you were a terrible father

It’s simple in the most complicated of ways. 

Friday 26 December 2014


I sometimes wonder what my life would be like if it were a book,
It would probably be exactly the same
Give or take a few things,
But my author
My keen-to-write-at-4am author
Might love all my flaws
They might wake up abruptly from a two hour nap and think to themselves;
‘What if she meets someone? What if they change her perspective? What if..?’
And my life will change at the drop of a baseball hat,
As it seems to sometimes anyway,
And I would be written beautifully as I meet strangers in this small unsafe world,
And they would go from ‘maybes’ to ‘somethings’
To ‘nothing at alls’ in the blink of an eye
In the swing of a mood and a drag of a coffin spreading smoke like vines,
They are ‘ex-somethings’ there isn’t really a word
To describe their sad smiles and self-conscious hair
I could never give their characters justice
Not like my author could
And they were given such poetic harmony with the stroll of the wave
That neither of us quite saw the sharks and piranha’s waiting in a hidden cave.

I sometimes think
On those days where nothing seems to latch on to my keen attention
On those dreary days
If I were someone’s character
Are those the days when my author feels sad and lonely too?
The pen in their hand squeezed so tight
The finger hovering over the spacebar
The other over the backspace
Forwards or backwards they are asking
Because they cannot decide on what’s worse
The past – and all of that lonely pain
Or the future – with all of that pain to come
And it seems that lately
That indecisions has streamed a set of its own decisions
Bad decisions
Very few good decisions
And a hell of a lot of paperwork.